Tasha Vithaya
2D Animation
EV Etiquette
BCIT SMART Applied Research
: March - May 2020

Electric Vehicle Charging Etiquette

The main objective of this project was to show the proper Electric Vehicle etiquette to EV owners who use the EV charging stations at BCIT campus. My team designed the characters based on the BCIT SMART team's research on different personas, which represent the people who are not following the proper etiquettes when using the EV charging stations.

  • Storyboard, Character and Object Design: Ashlynn Chen
  • Background and Object Design: Emily Kwok-Choon
  • Compositing, Animation, and Sound Design: Tasha Vithaya


Olivia Overstayer

She's an EV owner who treats EV charging spots like regular parking. Instead of moving her car once it's finished charging, she leaves it parked so that other EV owners are unable to charge their vehicles.

Ian Icer

He's an ICE (internal combustion engine) owner who parks his ICE vehicle in EV reserved charging spots. Instead of using regular parking, he blocks the charger from EV drivers that need it.

Peter Perker

He's an EV owner who parks in EV charging spots without connecting to a charger. He feels entitled to park in EV stalls even though his car is charged, and blocks other EV owners from charging their vehicles.

The EV Etiquette project received positive feedback after launching. In 2021, it was nominated for the ECO Impact Community Award by ECO Canada and won first place! 🥇

In October 2021, we were honored to be interviewed by ECO Canada and Barrel Marketing. 🎬